Primary Schools

Students aged 6-7

JA Our Families explains how family members’ jobs and businesses contribute to the well-being of the family and of the community. The learning experience introduces the concept of needs and wants and explores the ways families plan for and acquire goods and services. Students analyze their own skills to determine ways they can support their families. The learning experience is available in Classroom-Based and Remote Classroom implementation. It includes five 45-minute sessions, with additional extended learning activities and optional digital assets offered throughout.

Students aged 7-8

JA Our Community immerses students in the daily life of their community—the people who work there, the money decisions they make, the flow of the community’s economy, and the importance of being involved and responsible community members. It includes five 45-minute sessions, with additional extended learning activities and optional digital assets offered throughout.

Students aged 8-9

A Our City featuring Cha-Ching introduces students to financial literacy and learning objectives for third–grade social studies, including how people manage their money and the importance of economic exchange within a city. This learning experience is available for classroom-based or remote classroom implementation. It includes five 45-minute sessions, with additional extended learning activities and optional digital assets offered throughout. Spanish translation is available for JA Our City.

Students aged 9-10

JA Our Region introduces students to entrepreneurship and how entrepreneurs use resources to produce goods and services in a region. Students operate a hypothetical hot dog stand to understand the fundamental tasks performed by a business owner and to track the revenue and expenses of a business. This volunteer-led, it-based learning experience is available for classroom-based or remote classroom implementation. It includes five 45-minute sessions, with additional extended learning activities and optional digital assets offered throughout.

Students aged 8-11

JA More than Money introduces students to financial literacy and entrepreneurship, and to social studies learning objectives that include money-management skills, goods and services, and global markets. Through hands-on activities and a JA cast of characters serving as symbols for financial literacy and entrepreneurship concepts, students will learn a practical approach to starting a business and making smart decisions about managing money. This learning experience can be implemented as classroom- based, remote classroom, or after- school. It includes five 45-minute sessions, with additional extended learning activities and optional digital assets offered throughout.

Students aged 11-14

JA Economics for Success introduces students to initial work and career readiness and personal finance concepts. The program offers 6 or more or more instructional contact hours (ICH) based on modular delivery of at least 6 of the 10 sessions.